Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Minecraft Essay

Minecraft Essay

      These first four pictures that I have are of what the first pilgrims house kind of probably looked like. I was really confused trying to make the house(third picture) because I really was trying to get the house structure right, but I kinda failed. I put modernish looking beds in there because I couldn't figure out a way to make them look like they were made outta hay and wood.. I liked making the garden because I made the river flow under the garden kind of like irrigation.  It was really fun getting more experienced on Minecraft. It took me a decent bit of time to try and make the house because the first time I made it, it was just a regular A-frame house. But I couldn't figure out how to make it look interesting. So, I added a room onto the top and it looked really cool, so, here's my final working on my First Pilgrim's Thanksgiving House.

Okay, so you saw my thanksgiving house, but now, I have a (very crappy) Gingerbread house. It was hard trying to find something that looked like gingerbread, but I finally found something that worked: Brown Wool. For the floor, I was just looking through the supplies and I found Emerald and thought, Hey, that's my birthstone! I should use it. Don't ask. I'm a true blonde on the inside. Anyway, I used Red Wool for the flooring along with the Emerald. I decided I'd put three beds in since I made it quite large... For the top of the house, I used various colors of Wool and then put a Red Stone Torch on each block of wool. I just put a random trail of Red and Green Wool because it looked interesting to me. So, here is my finished Gingerbread House. (Warning to Hansel and Gretel: Do NOT come in, a witch may or may not be hiding, waiting to fatten then eat you up!!!) XD

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blog 3: What does Veteran's Day mean to Me?

Wow. Veteran's Day is such a meaningful day, I will try my best to convey how I feel, here goes... Well, I feel so much pride for my country on this day and every day! I love that we can have a day to honor people who actually deserve it! I feel sorrow, for all the people that have had to nobly sacrifice their lives for us, the people who don't deserve to die, but willingly go into something they know they may not come out of... That is something I know not many Americans could face up to.. I wish this day was respected and honored as much as any day we celebrate, because this is the day, and these are the people that most deserve it! It is a day in which we get to tell someone thank you for something that I know I could never do!!! I really respect and honor Veteran's Day. I salute each and every one of those heroes that don't wear capes, but dog tags.. :)

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Blog 2: Digital Citizenship


Digital Citizenship-is used to create safe, secure, and ethical uses of the Internet. 

Who is a good Digital Citizen?

Someone who models good practice on the internet and know how to be safe online by following rule and other guidelines. :D

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blog 1: Computer Ethics

Computer Ethics
Ethics: Doing the right thing when no one is watching.
1.   Don’t use your computer/tech devices to bully.
2.   Do not plagiarize other people’s work.
3.   Do not look at a person’s text messages or emails.
4.   Do not steal anything online.
5.   Do not use the computer to spread lies.
6.   Do not copy software for which you have not paid.
7.   Do not use other people’s computer resources without authorization.
8.   Do not upload illegal music/videos.
9.   Do not write illegal programs.
10.                        *** Be considerate and kind – think about others, not just yourself.